WGP attend OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum

WGP attend OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum

On September 12-13, 2019, WGP Global’s President and co-founder, David Orchard, and Chief Innovation and Marketing Officer and co-founder, Christopher Orchard, attended the OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum in Paris.

An informative and diverse forum convened senior decision-makers from the public and private sectors, experts, academics and other stakeholders.

A number of topics were discussed, including:

Assessing the development of blockchain over the past 12 months and delving into some of the specific challenges to implementation and adoption

  • Discussing emerging policy responses and share best practices identified in public blockchain initiatives across the world
  • Investigating uses of blockchain in specific policy areas, highlighting the work of the OECD and other stakeholders

In addition to the main programme, the 2019 Forum included a series of small workshops as well as a Govtech Start-up showcase featuring entrepreneurs working on blockchain-based solutions for the delivery of government services and achieving policy objectives.

Blockchain and the ecosystem of distributed ledger technologies is still in an early stage of technological development but is a fast evolving environment.

As the hype around “cryptocurrencies” is starting to fade, now comes the time to explore the policy implications of the technology more broadly and consider a holistic response, including an appropriate regulatory environment, at a global level that will facilitate a viable and fit-for purpose innovation and adoption of the technology.