What you need to include in your business model

What you need to include in your business model

When you're pitching your business to potential investors, one of the key things they'll be looking for is a well-thought-out business model. Your business model should lay out how your business operates, who your target market is, and what your revenue streams are. Here's a closer look at each of these key components:

  • Business operations: This includes an overview of how your business works, from manufacturing to distribution to customer service. Investors will want to see that you have a clear understanding of all the moving parts of your business.
  • Target market: Who are your customers? What needs do they have that your product or service can address? What are their buying habits? Knowing your target market inside and out is crucial to convincing investors that your business is worth their time and money.
  • Revenue streams: How does your business make money? Do you sell products or services? Do you have a subscription model? What are your prices? Answering these questions will give investors a clear picture of your business's financial health.