The Next Big Thing in ESG

The Next Big Thing in ESG

The S in ESG stands for social, and it is becoming increasingly important as people become more aware of greenwashing. Many companies claim to be environmentally friendly, but their practices often don't match up. This has led to a lot of skepticism about whether or not the E in ESG is really worth considering.

However, the social aspect of ESG is often overlooked. This includes things like a company's treatment of its employees, its supply chain, and its impact on society at large. Considering the social aspects of a company's business can give you a much fuller picture of its sustainability.

So why is the social aspect of ESG so important?
First, because it helps you to avoid greenwashing. If a company is claiming to be sustainable but its employees are treated poorly, you know that something isn't right.

Second, because it gives you a more complete picture of a company's sustainability. Considering the social aspects of a company's business can help you to understand its true impact on the world.

So if you're looking for the next big thing in ESG, don't forget to consider the social aspect! It is becoming increasingly important as people become more aware of greenwashing and want to get a fuller picture of a company's sustainability.