5 business podcasts to expand your knowledge

5 business podcasts to expand your knowledge

During your morning commute, an evening walk, or just an evening in your sofa. Any time is a good time to listen to a podcast. And as a businessperson, it can be both fun and educational. The hardest part is finding a podcast that is worth devoting your time to, since not every podcast is as interesting as you thought it would be. Therefore we have created a list of 5 podcasts that we believe are essential for any person interested in learning about business in a fun and engaging way.

1. Bloomberg – Masters in business: In this weekly series, Bloomberg radio host Barry Ritholtz has conversations with professionals in different sectors. Ritholtz does this with the greatest of ease, filling a one-and-a-half-hour episode without a problem. In a very casual way he asks about different topics in the guests’ industry, and how they handle these.

Source: https://open.spotify.com/show/4vd6fOEkEw0F7nnqA4UmNu

2. FT News Briefing: Understanding business means keeping up to date with daily news events. In short 10 minute episodes, this podcast helps you to start your day with an overview of what’s going on in the business world. Every weekend, there is a 30 minute episode that discusses a general topic of interest.

Source: https://open.spotify.com/show/1410RabA4XOqO6IV8p0gYF

3. The Mind Your Business Podcast: A more motivational approach towards business advice, which helps you to develop your business mindset. In his own enthusiastic way, he achieves this through interviews and interesting storytelling.

Source: https://play.acast.com/s/themindyourbusinesspodcast

4. The Twenty Minute VC: A business is nothing without funding, so understanding what investors look for and how they think is crucial. This podcast is created by 20VC, which also has its own VC fund. Next to that, prominent venture capitalists and business owners are interviewed to gather their insights and experiences.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf0PBRjhf0rF8fWBIxTuoWA

5. The Tony Robbins Podcast: What would this list be without one of the most influential business strategists in the world? Tony Robbins has helped over 50 million people worldwide, and you might be next. In this podcast he shares his strategies, and conducts captivating interviews with some of the most prominent businesspeople in the world.

Source: https://www.deezer.com/en/show/436982