13 facts about clean energy

13 facts about clean energy

  1. The innovation and adoption of clean energy technologies is accelerating.
  2. The global market for clean energy is growing rapidly.
  3. Renewable energy is becoming increasingly cost-competitive with fossil fuels.
  4. Clean energy investment is at an all-time high.
  5. The transportation sector is the largest consumer of oil and a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
  6. Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular and are expected to play a major role in the transition to a clean energy future.
  7. The buildings sector is responsible for a significant share of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  8. Building retrofits and improvements in building envelope design can significantly reduce energy use and emissions.
  9. Industry is working to adopt cleaner and more efficient technologies and processes.
  10. Agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.
  11. Agricultural practices are evolving to become more sustainable and reduce emissions.
  12. Water is a vital resource for clean energy production.
  13. The world’s oceans offer vast potential for clean energy production.