10 Topics to Cover in your Pitchdeck

10 Topics to Cover in your Pitchdeck

Investors are always looking for great business opportunities. In order to find them, you need to have a strong pitch deck. This is a document that outlines your business plan and is essential in getting funding from investors.

There are 10 topics that you must cover in your pitch deck in order to give investors the information they need to make an informed decision about investing in your business.

  1. Your business model – You need to explain how your business makes money. What are your revenue streams? How do you generate profit?
  2. The market opportunity – You need to show that there is a large enough market for your business and that you have a good chance of capturing a significant portion of it.
  3. Your team – Investors will want to know who is behind the business and whether they have the necessary skills and experience to make it successful.
  4. Your competitive landscape – Who are your main competitors and what differentiates you from them?
  5. Your business milestones – What are the key milestones that you need to achieve in order for your business to be successful? When do you expect to achieve them?
  6. Your financial projections – You need to show that your business is financially viable and that you have a good chance of achieving your milestones.
  7. Your exit strategy – Investors will want to know how they can get their money back if things go well, so you need to have a clear exit strategy.
  8. Your business risks – You need to identify the main risks that could impact your business and how you plan to mitigate them.
  9. Your business Insurance – You should have business insurance in place to protect yourself and your investors from any unforeseen events.
  10. Your legal structure – You need to explain the legal structure of your business and how it will protect your investors’ interests.

By covering these 10 topics in your pitch deck, you will give investors the information they need to make an informed decision about investing in your business.